Pushing the limits of large - scale energy storage:
Optimized Combined Cycle CAES
Project PUSH-CCC, has received funding from the European Union´s EIC Pathfinder Challenges 2022 programme under grant agreement No 101115601.
This project aims to make an essential contribution on the fight against climate change, making feasible an increasing rate of renewable energy on the electric grids worldwide, by solving the key existing limits of large-scale Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) scalability, replicability, efficiency, and energy density while boosting its cost-effective commercial development in Europe by bringing a breakthrough CAES concept to TRL4, which is based on a novel optimized integration of advanced technology and scientific advances beyond the state of the art, pushing the efficiency and profitability of the isobaric adiabatic Combined Cycle CAES (CCC) concept patented by RIEGOSUR through its affiliated company PREXTOR SYSTEMS.